I.T.C. Intercircuit started as a sales company for the Printed Circuit Board Industry in Germany, in 1972.
Today the I.T.C. group is a leader in manufacturing of PCB equipment with three independent locations in Germany and USA.
Please take a minute and look through our web site. Whether it is Equipment, Consumables or Service, you will obtain the quality you and your customer deserve.
Mission Statement:
I.T.C. is dedicated to providing our customers with the highest level of products and services to meet present and future needs.
We will accomplish this through our commitment to supply precise applications using the best materials possible, providing our staff the proper training and tools, and following this through with total customer support.
The ITC Product range includes the following systems:
- Vacuum Via Hole Plugging Machines
- Wet Process Machines
- Plasma Etching Systems
- Drying / Curing Systems
- Soldermask Coating
- Handling Systems – on Request
- Exposure Systems - on Request
- Packing Machines - on Request
- Impedance Testing Systems (by Zmetrix USA)